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Imagine a revolutionary jacket that can be worn in all climates, while also keeping its wearer healthy.


Team: Joyce Chiu + Lisa Chang | Graphic Design

My Responsibilities: UI and UX Design Lead, Miniall App, Web Application, Jacket Features, and Miniall Video Animation

Timeline: 14 Weeks

Software: Photoshop, After Effect, Sketch, Invision, and Keynote


Introducing Miniall

Miniall is an avant-garde fashion brand that is inspired by the combination of fashion, technology, and healthy lifestyle. This multifunctional jacket provides automatic temperature adjustment and health detection.



The Challenge

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Business and leisure travelers share two similar pain points when they are traveling:

1. Heavy luggage with seasonal clothings

2. A weakened immune system from constant climate and environmental changes.


How can we allow travelers to pack lighter suitcases, while also staying healthy when they are traveling?


Miniall Final Deliverables



Meet the users


Miniall Journey

We collaborated with film students Randy Wang and two models Hanna and Fabio for video shooting.

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Design Process


Learn from our users


Interview Goals

We interviewed travelers who travel for leisure and business to gain a deeper understanding of their travel routine and their pain points.

Key Findings 

  • We found out that a common cause of heavy luggage is seasonal clothing.

“My luggage is mostly occupied with seasonal clothing…there is no space left in my luggage to put my other stuff and my bags weigh a ton…” -Catherina Han

  • Switching seasonal clothing due to climate change can be inconvenient

“I hate changing my clothes every time I arrive at a new place, especially when I’m traveling from somewhere hot to somewhere cold.” - Lauren Taylor

  • Every participant has personal experience regarding getting sick due to climate change.

“I always catch a cold or get sick due to climate changes or food poisoning…”  - Jack Chang



Brainstorming Session

Our goal was to take all the findings from our research and interview that will help us generate ideas and find possible design solutions and deliverables that will resolve the travelers’ pain points.


Define Our Brand

To help us define our brand better, we did competitor research, metrics, lean canvas, 10 years road map, and blue ocean mapping.



Visual Design

We developed a visual language for Miniall. We wanted something that felt innovative, contemporary, bold, and revolutionary. 

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How Miniall Jacket Works?

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How Do Users Adjust Jacket Temperature Through Hand Gesture?

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Ideation Sketches

We wanted to explore other way (outside of the phone screen) that the users could adjust the temperature on the jacket.


Jacket Design and Production Process

We designed the Miniall jacket together and collaborated with Emma Chen (a fashion freelancer) who helped us produce the jackets.

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My Jacket

This is the default screen where it featured the user’s Miniall jacket. The user can swipe up to view the current jacket, the user’s body, and the surrounding temperature.

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Health Report

Miniall app is the user nutritionist where it provides the user’s health data from the skin tattoo that is located on the wrist of the jacket. Health report allows the user to see their health status and at the same time keep the user healthy.



Inside the menu, there is “My Jacket”, “Bookmark, “Health Report”, “Jacket Status”, and “Contact”

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Temperature Bookmark

The saved temperature bookmarks are designed for future use. According to the user’s preferences, they can save their current jacket temperature to a bookmark. There are two ways of saving a bookmark; the first way is to save it through the app and the second way is to save it through hand gesture.

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Ideation Sketches, Wireframes, and Interface Design Process

While ideating, we explored the relationship between wearable and screens.



Usability Testing



Miniall App Userflow

Miniall Website

Miniall Website

Miniall is available online for people around the globe to access and learn about Miniall and our products.





Home Page

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Miniall Jacket Page

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Miniall Jacket Page

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About Jacket



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Miniall Care Package

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Checkout Page



Website Design Process

Usability Testing

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